Latest Factory Fire Prevention Regulations (Updated 2024)

5 ton overhead crane

To ensure the safety of production activities and human life, factories must strictly adhere to fire prevention and fighting (PCCC) regulations. Here are the main points of the latest factory PCCC regulations according to the Fire Prevention and Fighting Law 2020 and Decree 79/2014/NĐ-CP:

Design safety conditions

Design safety conditions
Design safety conditions

Construction site

Safe distance: Must comply with the regulations in National Standard TCVN 4514:2012 on fire prevention and fighting safety distances for construction works.

Other requirements: Avoid areas with a high risk of fire and explosion, and be easy to access for firefighting and rescue.

Structural construction

Fire resistance: Must meet the requirements of National Standard TCVN 9383:2012 on fire resistance.

Fire retardancy: Use materials and structures that have fire retardant properties according to regulations.

Emergency exit system

Number: Ensure that there are enough exits for all occupants of the factory to evacuate safely in the shortest possible time.

Size: Doors and emergency exits must be of a suitable size to accommodate the flow of people moving through them.

Location: Install emergency exits in easily identifiable locations that are convenient for movement.

Signage: Place emergency exit signage according to regulations.

Ventilation system

Capacity: Ensure an adequate supply of fresh air for workers and remove toxic gases and heat generated during the production process.

Ventilation vents: Install ventilation vents of appropriate size, evenly distributed throughout the factory.

Smoke exhaust system: Install an automatic or manual smoke exhaust system in areas with a high risk of fire and explosion.

Electrical system

Safe installation: Use conduits, electrical cabinets, and electrical wires that are appropriate for power usage.

Overload protection: Install lightning arresters, overload protection devices, and short circuit protection devices.

Periodic inspection: Regularly inspect and maintain the electrical system to ensure safety.

Lightning protection system

Install a lightning protection system: In accordance with the regulations of National Standard TCVN 8385:2012.

Regular inspection: Regularly inspect and maintain the lightning protection system to ensure effective operation.

Fire alarm and fire fighting system

Fire alarm and fire fighting system
Fire alarm and fire fighting system

Automatic Fire Alarm System

Installation: Detect fire early and promptly alert occupants to evacuate safely.

System Type: Use a fire alarm system that is suitable for the characteristics of the factory.

Connection: Connect to an automatic fire suppression system or a notification and control system.

Firefighting vehicles

Fire extinguishers: Distribute fire extinguishers in areas with a high risk of fire and explosion, making them easy to use.
Water sprinklers: Install sprinklers in important areas with adequate water supply.
Automatic fire suppression system: Use an automatic fire suppression system appropriate to the risk of fire and explosion in the factory.

Use of fire-resistant materials


  • Employ fire-resistant materials for elements with high fire risk, such as roofs, partitions, and doors.
  • Prioritize materials that meet relevant fire safety standards and certifications.
  • Consider factors like fire resistance rating, thermal conductivity, and compatibility with the overall building structure.


  • Adhere to strict construction guidelines and techniques to ensure the effectiveness of fire-resistant materials.
  • Engage qualified professionals with expertise in fire-resistant construction methods.
  • Ensure proper installation, integration, and sealing of fire-resistant materials to maintain their integrity and effectiveness.

Fire protection signs

Fire protection signs
Fire protection signs


Indicates the location of the fire protection system (fire alarm, fire fighting, escape).
Instructions on how to use the fire protection system.
No fires or smoking in dangerous areas.
Other content as prescribed.

Installation location

A place that is easy to recognize and convenient for observation.
Near fire protection systems.
On the escape door.
Fire- and smoking-free area.

Grassroots fire protection team

Grassroots fire protection team
Grassroots fire protection team
Factories with at least 10 people regularly working must establish a grassroots fire protection team.
The number of members of the grassroots fire protection team depends on the size and risk of fire and explosion of the factory.
Members of the grassroots fire prevention and fighting team must be trained in fire prevention and fighting skills according to regulations.

Detect fire early and give timely alarm.

Use fire-extinguishing media to extinguish the fire.
Instruct and organize escapees in case of fire or explosion.
Participate in periodic fire prevention training.
Inspect and maintain fire protection system.
Propaganda about fire prevention and fighting for workers.


The head of the facility fire prevention and fighting team is responsible to the facility owner for the team’s fire prevention and fighting work.
Members of the grassroots fire protection team are responsible for performing assigned tasks.

Responsibility for fire prevention management


Responsible for managing the factory’s fire prevention and fighting work.
Assign fire prevention officers to manage and guide the implementation of fire prevention measures.
Organize fire prevention training for officials, employees, and workers.
Fully equipped with fire-fighting equipment and tools.
Report fire prevention work according to regulations.

Fire protection officer

Manage and guide the implementation of fire prevention measures at the factory.
Check the fire protection system periodically.
Organize fire prevention training for workers.
Handling violations of fire prevention and fighting.


This is just a summary of the key points of the latest factory fire prevention and fighting regulations. For full details, please refer to the relevant legal documents.

In addition, you should regularly update yourself on the latest fire prevention and fighting regulations to ensure the safety of your factory.

In addition, you should also note the following points:

  • Organize regular fire prevention and fighting training for staff, employees, and workers on fire prevention and fighting knowledge and skills.
  • Regularly inspect fire prevention and fighting systems to ensure that they are always working effectively.
  • Have a fire prevention and fighting plan that is tailored to the characteristics of the factory.
  • Use electricity safely to avoid fire and explosion hazards caused by electricity.
  • Keep the factory clean and tidy to minimize the presence of flammable and explosive materials.

By strictly implementing fire prevention and fighting regulations, you can contribute to the safety of yourself, your property, and the community.

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